Monday, May 5, 2008

Ah,Permission to Spend More

I could have used this when I bought Pink's Mother's Day present from Amazon and wanted to keep with the free shipping routine. Being stuck at home most of the time without the car and carseats, I have to be a little more proactive with my sneakiness.

Besides, I'm always here when the packages come. She's always been sneaky and has her stuff sent to work so I can't see it. Doesn't matter anyway, she can hide it in plain sight and I won't see it.

Anyway, Lifehacker brought this to my eyes and it's earned a place on my Google homepage list of addicting bookmarks. searches websites on items that only offer free shipping.

Now granted, if I'm going to be somewhere and I'm going to pick it up, I'll pick it up when I'm out. Otherwise, I'll save some diaper money and search for some items with free shipping.
clipped from

freeshippingon.jpgEasily find items sold online with free shipping on sites like Amazon, eBay, and more than 500 other online stores with website Free Shipping On. The website sports easy navigation: two tabs that allow you to perform searches for items available on Amazon and eBay with free shipping, and then a third tab takes you to a page that offers free shipping coupons for over five hundred stores, from Apple to Walmart and organized by category as well. If shipping costs usually cause you to scratch your head and decide to wait for a better deal on retail, you may now want to reconsider.

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