Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two Month Checkup

Baby Purple
Weight: 11 lbs 5 oz, 60-65%
Height: 22.5 inches, 55%
Head Circumfrence: 15.5 inches, 75%

Baby Teal
Weight: 10 lbs 13 oz, 50%
Height: 22 inches, 50%
Head Circumfrence: 15.25 inches, 50%

Both had four...yes four, immunization shots, for a grand total to eight. Both followed in their older brother's footsteps and fussed for about 45 seconds to a minute, then settled down and fell asleep as soon as they hit the carseat to go home, about 3 minutes later.

Little Blue was so happy he didn't have to get any shots. He turned his eyes and covered his ears when the first got her shots, then swatched with interest once the second round went in.

Overall the kids did very well, and once Pink and I got trained in the more detailed parts of the diaper changing needs, the girls were fit as a fiddle. Pink and I were glad with their excellent weight gain and middle of the road marks coming to the percentiles, pretty much indicating that they're right on track for catching up to children their same age.

And I was there packed with the girls and Little Blue with 5 minutes to spare. Pink got caught in traffic.

I win! :P

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